Identifier: Text-101000513
Title: Determination of the dynamic material properties of soils from the results of static shear tests
Creator(s): Kavazanjian, Edward; Hadj-Hamou, Tarik
Identifier: Text-1206100
Title: Preliminary safety evaluation of existing dams, Volume II -- User Manual
Creator(s): McCann, Martin W.; Franzini, Joseph B.; Kavazanjian, Edward; Shah, Haresh C.
Identifier: Text-131000291
Title: Probabilistic evaluation of liquefaction potential for downtown San Francisco
Creator(s): Kavazanjian, Edward; Roth, Richard A.; Echezuria, Heriberto
Identifier: Text-150104
Title: Pore water pressure development in non-uniform cyclic triaxial tests
Creator(s): Wang, Jaw-Nan; Kavazanjian, Edward
Identifier: Text-150243
Title: Preliminary safety evaluation of existing dams, Volume I
Creator(s): McCann, Martin W.; Franzini, Joseph B.; Kavazanjian, Edward; Shah, Haresh C.
Identifier: Text-200608012
Title: A general stress-strain-time formulation for soils
Creator(s): Kavazanjian, Edward; Mitchell, James Kenneth
Identifier: Text-201002233
Title: Slope stability at a hazardous waste site - evaluation of the CPT cone factor Nk using dynamic property correlations
Creator(s): Matasovic, Neven; De, Anirban; Dunn, Jeff; Kavazanjian, Edward
Identifier: Text-201303139
Title: Performance of solid-waste landfills during the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Augello, Anthony J.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Matasovic, Neven; Kavazanjian, Edward
Identifier: Text-201505145
Title: Solid waste landfill performance during the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Augello, Anthony J.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Matasovic, Neven; Kavazanjian, Edward
Identifier: Text-201505185
Title: Performance of landfills under seismic loading
Creator(s): Anderson, Donald G.; Kavazanjian, Edward
Identifier: Text-7513
Title: A nonstationary probabilistic model for pore pressure development and site response due to seismic excitation
Creator(s): Wang, Jaw-Nan; Kavazanjian, Edward
Identifier: Text-S29178
Title: Liquefaction potential mapping for San Francisco
Creator(s): Kavazanjian, Edward; Echezuria, Heriberto
Identifier: Text-S33261
Title: RCRA Subtitle D (258) seismic design guidance for municipal solid waste landfill facilities
Creator(s): Richardson, G. N.; Kavazanjian, Edward; Matasovic, Neven
Identifier: Text-S33662
Title: Damage to landfills from the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Kavazanjian, Edward
Identifier: Text-S34443
Title: An automated triaxial device for measuring the at-rest earth pressure coefficient
Creator(s): Hsieh, Hsii S.; Kavazanjian, Edward
Identifier: Text-S35393
Title: Design guidance : geotechnical earthquake engineering for highways
Creator(s): Kavazanjian, Edward
Identifier: Text-S37470
Title: Geotechnical earthquake engineering, student exercises
Creator(s): Munfakh, George; Kavazanjian, Edward
Identifier: Text-S37471
Title: Geotechnical earthquake engineering, reference manual
Creator(s): Munfakh, George; Kavazanjian, Edward