The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-101000584
Title: Behavior of weakly cemented soil slopes under static and seismic loading conditions
Creator(s): Sitar, Nicholas; Clough, G. Wayne; Bachus, Robert C.

Icon Identifier: Text-121000399
Title: The influence of cementation on the static and dynamic behavior of sands
Creator(s): Rad, Nader Shafii; Clough, G. Wayne

Icon Identifier: Text-2006092210
Title: User's guide for the incremental construction soil-structure interaction program SOILSTRUCT
Creator(s): Ebeling, Robert M.; Peters, John F.; Clough, G. Wayne

Icon Identifier: Text-200707024
Title: A study of earth loadings on floodway retaining structures in the 1971 San Fernando Valley earthquake
Creator(s): Clough, G. Wayne; Fragaszy, Richard J.

Icon Identifier: Text-200906023
Title: Cemented sands under static loading
Creator(s): Clough, G. Wayne; Sitar, Nicholas; Bachus, Robert C.; Rad, Nader Shafii

Icon Identifier: Text-201005271
Title: Finite element analyses of Port Allen and Old River Locks
Creator(s): Clough, G. Wayne; Duncan, James M.

Icon Identifier: Text-201304018
Title: Behavior of slopes in weakly cemented soils under seismic loading
Creator(s): Sitar, Nicholas; Clough, G. Wayne

Icon Identifier: Text-201602221
Title: Observations of liquefaction and landsliding as a result of the October 10, 1980 El Asnam Algeria earthquake
Creator(s): Clough, G. Wayne; Salah-Mars, Said; Hadj-Hamou, Antar

Icon Identifier: Text-302821
Title: Behavior of weakly cemented soil slopes under static and seismic loading conditions: Volume II
Creator(s): Bachus, Robert C.; Clough, G. Wayne; Sitar, Nicholas; Rad, Nader Shafii; Crosby, Jo; Kaboli, Parnian

Icon Identifier: Text-304366
Title: A study of the behavior of the San Francisco waterfront fills under seismic loading
Creator(s): Clough, G. Wayne; Chameau, Jean-Lou