The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-141277
Title: Computer programs for seismic hazard analysis: a user manual (Stanford Seismic Hazard Analysis--STASHA)
Creator(s): Chiang, Weiling; Guidi, Gino A.; Mortgat, Christian P.; Schoof, Craig C.; Shah, Haresh C.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303262
Title: A Probabilistic definition of effective acceleration
Creator(s): Mortgat, Christian P.

Icon Identifier: Text-201402203
Title: Seismic risk assessment for Tokyo, Japan
Creator(s): Williams, C. R.; Mortgat, Christian P.; Masuda, Manabu; Molas, G.; Ahmad, F.

Icon Identifier: Text-310583
Title: A study of seismic risk for Costa Rica
Creator(s): Mortgat, Christian P.; Zsutty, Theodore C.; Shah, Haresh C.; Lubetkin, Lester K.

Icon Identifier: Text-51000234
Title: A study of seismic risk for Nicaragua, Part I
Creator(s): Shah, Haresh C.; Mortgat, Christian P.; Kiremidjian, Anne S.; Zsutty, Theodore C.

Icon Identifier: Text-61000932
Title: A study of seismic risk for Nicaragua, Part II, Commentary and Summary
Creator(s): Shah, Haresh C.; Zsutty, Theodore C.; Krawinkler, Helmut; Mortgat, Christian P.; Kiremidjian, Anne S.; Dizon, John O.

Icon Identifier: Text-81000402
Title: A Bayesian approach to seismic hazard mapping; development of stable design parameters
Creator(s): Mortgat, Christian P.; Shah, Haresh C.

Icon Identifier: Text-S26724
Title: Seismic hazard analysis of Algeria
Creator(s): Mortgat, Christian P.; Shah, Haresh C.

Icon Identifier: Text-S29184
Title: A probabilistic approach for seismic load determination
Creator(s): Kiremidjian, Anne S.; Mortgat, Christian P.