Identifier: Text-1293204
Title: Micromechanical simulation of earthquake-induced fracture in steel structures
Creator(s): Kanvinde, Amit M.; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-13WC000679
Title: A framework methodology for performance-based earthquake engineering
Creator(s): Moehle, Jack P.; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-200609221
Title: Inelastic dynamic analysis of mixed steel concrete space frames
Creator(s): El-Tawil, Sherif M.; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-200611292
Title: Testing and Simulation of Ultra-Low Cycle Fatigue and Fracture in Steel Braces
Creator(s): Fell, Benjamin V.; Myers, A. T.; Deierlein, Gregory G.; Kanvinde, Amit M.
Identifier: Text-200611297
Title: Buckling and Fracture of Concentric Braces Under Inelastic Loading
Creator(s): Fell, Benjamin V.; Kanvinde, Amit M.; Deierlein, Gregory G.; Myers, A. T.; Fu, X.
Identifier: Text-200707174
Title: Validation of the seismic performance of composite RCS frames: full-scale testing, analytic modelling, and seismic design
Creator(s): Cordova, Paul P.; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-200801161
Title: Assessing seismic collapse safety of modern reinforced concrete moment frame buildings
Creator(s): Haselton, Curtis B.; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-200803181
Title: Assessing building system collapse performance and associated requirements for seismic design
Creator(s): Deierlein, Gregory G.; Liel, Abbie B.; Haselton, Curtis B.; Kircher, Charles A.
Identifier: Text-200803261
Title: Assessing seismic collapse safety of modern reinforced concrete moment-frame buildings
Creator(s): Haselton, Curtis B.; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-200810173
Title: Beam-column element model calibrated for predicting flexural response
Creator(s): Haselton, Curtis B.; Liel, Abbie B.; Lange, Sarah Taylor; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-200812031
Title: Beam-column element model calibrated for predicting flexural response leading to global collapse of RC frame buildings
Creator(s): Haselton, Curtis B.; Liel, Abbie B.; Lange, Sarah Taylor; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-200812038
Title: An assessment to benchmark the seismic performance of a code-conforming reinforced concrete moment-frame building
Creator(s): Haselton, Curtis B.; Goulet, Christine A.; Mitrani-Reiser, Judith; Beck, James L.; Deierlein, Gregory G.; Porter, Keith A.; Stewart, Jonathan P.; Taciroglu, Ertugrul
Identifier: Text-2009062310
Title: Assessing the collapse risk of California's existing reinforced concrete frame structures: metrics for seismic safety decisions
Creator(s): Liel, Abbie B.; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-200906237
Title: Collapse performance assessment of steel-framed buildings under fires
Creator(s): Takagi, Jiro; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-200910285
Title: Flexural response of exposed column base plate connections
Creator(s): Gomez, Ivan; Kanvinde, Amit M.; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-201001213
Title: Testing and probabilistic simulation of ductile fracture initiation in structural steel components and weldments
Creator(s): Myers, Andrew T.; Deierlein, Gregory G.; Kanvinde, Amit M.
Identifier: Text-201010061
Title: Large-scale testing and simulation of earthquake induced ultra low cycle fatigue in bracing members subjected to cyclic inelastic buckling
Creator(s): Fell, Benjamin V.; Kanvinde, Amit M.; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-201011191
Title: Nonlinear structural analysis for seismic design: a guide for practicing engineers
Creator(s): Deierlein, Gregory G.; Reinhorn, Andrei M.; Willford, Michael R.
Identifier: Text-201110283
Title: Engineering demand parameters for structural framing systems
Creator(s): Whittaker, Andrew S.; Deierlein, Gregory G.; Hooper, John D.; Merovich, Andrew T.
Identifier: Text-201202083
Title: Assessing the scale of environmental impacts from a major California earthquake recovery
Creator(s): Burton, Henry V.; Deierlein, Gregory G.; Lepech, Michael D.
Identifier: Text-201304247
Title: Analyses of nine steel moment frame buildings affected by the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-201402265
Title: Implementation and validation of cumulative damage models for structural performance assessment
Creator(s): Altoontash, Arash; Cordova, Paul P.; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-2014031814
Title: Toward the codification of modeling provisions for simulating structural collapse
Creator(s): Haselton, Curtis B.; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-201405146
Title: Evaluation of the seismic performance a code-conforming reinforced concrete frame building - Part 11 : loss estimation
Creator(s): Mitrani-Reiser, Judith; Haselton, Curtis B.; Goulet, Christine A.; Porter, Keith A.; Beck, James L.; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-201405223
Title: Seismic performance of steel corrugated shear wall
Creator(s): Vigh, Laszlo Gergly; Liel, Abbie B.; Tipping, Steven; Miranda, Eduardo; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-2014070812
Title: Testing and simulation of ultra-low cycle fatigue and fracture in steel braces
Creator(s): Fell, Benjamin V.; Myers, A. T.; Deierlein, Gregory G.; Kanvinde, Amit M.
Identifier: Text-201407172
Title: How have changes in building code provisions for reinforced concrete frame structures improved seismic safety?
Creator(s): Liel, Abbie B.; Haselton, Curtis B.; Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-201411056
Title: Overview of a comprehensive framework for earthquake performance assessment
Creator(s): Deierlein, Gregory G.
Identifier: Text-201412025
Title: Development of a two-parameter seismic intensity measure and probabilistic assessment procedure
Creator(s): Cordova, Paul P.; Deierlein, Gregory G.; Mehanny, Sameh S. F.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-201412092
Title: Methodology and simulation models for performance based earthquake engineering
Creator(s): Deierlein, Gregory G.; Kaul, Rohit