Identifier: Text-201204061
Title: Structured extended finite element methods of Solids defined by implicit surfaces
Creator(s): Parimi, C.; Belytschko, Ted; Moes, N.
Identifier: Text-954342
Title: Simulation of dynamic shear band propagation. Part I: Failure mode transition
Creator(s): Li, Shaofan; Liu, Wing-Kam; Rosakis, Ares J.; Han, Wei; Belytschko, Ted
Identifier: Text-S21778
Title: Finite element analysis of transient nonlinear structural behavior : [papers] presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Houston, Texas, November 30-December 5, 1975 ; sponsored by the Committee for Computing in Applied Mechanics of the Applied Mechanics
Creator(s): Belytschko, Ted; Osias, J. R.; Marcal, Pedro V.
Identifier: Text-S21811
Title: Proceedings of the international conference on innovative methods for nonlinear problems
Creator(s): Liu, Wing K.; Belytschko, Ted; Park, K. C.
Identifier: Text-S22582
Title: Invited papers from the International Seminar on Issues in Containment Analysis and Design (CONFABRE-4), Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 29-30, 1983 : held in conjunction with the Seventh International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, SMiRT-7
Creator(s): Fistedis, Stanley H.; Belytschko, Ted
Identifier: Text-S24030
Title: Computational methods for fluid-structure interaction problems : presented at the winter annual meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Atlanta, Georgia, November 27-December 2, 1977
Creator(s): Belytschko, Ted; Geers, T. L.
Identifier: Text-S29508
Title: Dispersion analysis of finite element semi-discretizations of the two-dimensional wave equation
Creator(s): Mullen, Robert; Belytschko, Ted
Identifier: Text-S31243
Title: Computational mechanics of probabilistic and reliability analysis
Creator(s): Liu, W. K.; Belytschko, Ted