Identifier: Text-201401314
Title: Velocity dependence of elastomeric isolators
Creator(s): Kasalanati, Amarnath
Identifier: Text-201709071
Title: PEER Annual Report 2016
Creator(s): Mosalam, Khalid M.; Kasalanati, Amarnath; Kang, Grace S.
Identifier: Text-201902251
Title: PEER Annual Report 2017 - 2018
Creator(s): Mosalam, Khalid M.; Kasalanati, Amarnath; Günay, M. Selim
Identifier: Text-202103242
Title: PEER Activities 2018-2020
Creator(s): Mosalam, Khalid M.; Kasalanati, Amarnath
Identifier: Text-S36309
Title: Experimental study of bridge elastomeric and other isolation and energy dissipation systems with emphasis on uplift prevention and high velocity near-source seismic excitation
Creator(s): Kasalanati, Amarnath; Constantinou, M. C.