Identifier: Text-954342
Title: Simulation of dynamic shear band propagation. Part I: Failure mode transition
Creator(s): Li, Shaofan; Liu, Wing-Kam; Rosakis, Ares J.; Han, Wei; Belytschko, Ted
Identifier: Text-955473
Title: Effective stiffness for damaged plates
Creator(s): Simkins, Daniel C.; Li, Shaofan
Identifier: Text-955601
Title: A continuum damage model based on homogenization of distributed cohesive micro-cracks
Creator(s): Li, Shaofan; Wang, Gang
Identifier: Text-955618
Title: On cohesive micro-crack damage theory. 1, Two dimensional homogenization
Creator(s): Li, Shaofan; Morgan, Elise F.
Identifier: Text-955669
Title: On permeable cracks in a piezoelectric ceramic. 1, global energy release rate
Creator(s): Li, Shaofan; Morgan, Elise F.
Identifier: Text-956564
Title: On permeable cracks in a piezoelectric ceramic. 2, Saturation strip model
Creator(s): Li, Shaofan
Identifier: Text-958100
Title: On dual conservation laws in elasticity : stress function formalism
Creator(s): Li, Shaofan