The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-2014052913
Title: Inelastic joint modeling for dynamic analysis of reinforced concrete frame buildings
Creator(s): Shin, M.; LaFave, James M.

Icon Identifier: Text-2014062411
Title: Out-of-plane seismic performance of residential brick veneer walls with gables and window openings
Creator(s): Reneckis, D.; LaFave, James M.

Icon Identifier: Text-2014082613
Title: Assessment of influence parameters on joint shear behavior in RC beam-column connections subjected to seismic lateral loading
Creator(s): Kim, J.; LaFave, James M.

Icon Identifier: Text-201408279
Title: Seismic fragility analysis of wall pier supported bridges on Southern Illinois priority emergency routes
Creator(s): Bignell, J. L.; LaFave, James M.

Icon Identifier: Text-201506247
Title: Mid-America earthquake center shake table demonstration on non-structural earthquake retrofit for homes
Creator(s): Ryland, Harvey G.; Beavers, James E.; LaFave, James M.; Hayes, John R.

Icon Identifier: Text-201506268
Title: On the use of brick masonry veneer with wood framing in low-to-moderate seismic zones
Creator(s): LaFave, James M.; Otahal, Christopher J.; Choi, Young-Hwan

Icon Identifier: Text-S34390
Title: Behavior of reinforced concrete exterior wide beam-column-slab connections subjected to lateral earthquake loading
Creator(s): LaFave, James M.; Wight, James K.