Identifier: Text-S34212
Title: Increase of seismic safety of reinforced concrete bridge piers associated with the improvement of seismic design codes
Creator(s): Sakai, Jun I.; Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Takemura, Hiroshi
Identifier: Text-S35084
Title: Evaluation of near-fault ground motions in terms of the pulse response spectrum
Creator(s): Sakai, Jun I.; Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-S37755
Title: Effect of varying axial loads including a constant tension on seismic performance of reinforced concrete bridge columns
Creator(s): Sakai, Jun I.; Kawashima, Kazuhiko
Identifier: Text-S37757
Title: Seismic performance of hollow reinforced concrete arch ribs subjected to cyclic lateral load force under varying axial load
Creator(s): Kawashima, Kazuhiko; Une, Hiroshi; Sakai, Jun I.