Identifier: Text-201505184
Title: Simple methods for the seismic response of piles applied to soil pile-bridge interaction
Creator(s): Gazetas, George C.; Mylonakis, George; Nikolaou, Aspasia S.
Identifier: Text-201506031
Title: Damage potential of the 1999 Athens, Greece accelerograms
Creator(s): Mylonakis, George; Voyagaki, E.; Price, T. E.
Identifier: Text-201506098
Title: Effect of scour on seismic safety of bridge piers
Creator(s): Ghosn, Michel; Mylonakis, George; Johnson, P. A.; Wang, J.
Identifier: Text-201507168
Title: Simplified model for seismic pile bending at soil layer interfaces
Creator(s): Mylonakis, George
Identifier: Text-S34117
Title: Kinematic bending moments in seismically stressed piles
Creator(s): Nikolaou, Aspasia S.; Mylonakis, George; Gazetas, George
Identifier: Text-S37446
Title: Contributions to static and seismic analysis of piles and pile-supported bridge piers
Creator(s): Mylonakis, George
Identifier: Text-S37452
Title: Development of a building inventory for Manhattan region
Creator(s): Mylonakis, George; Spiteri, Paul; Fish, Walter
Identifier: Text-S38618
Title: Development of analysis and design procedures for spread footings
Creator(s): Mylonakis, George; Gazetas, George; Nikolaou, Sissy; Chauncey, Andre
Identifier: Text-S38702
Title: Parametric results for seismic response of pile-supported bridge bents
Creator(s): Mylonakis, George; Nikolaou, Aspasia S.; Gazetas, George
Identifier: Text-S40447
Title: Design methods for earthquake-induced pile bending
Creator(s): Mylonakis, George; Nikolaou, Sissy