Identifier: Text-S34026
Title: Composite thin-walled member with closed cross section
Creator(s): Kollbrunner, Curt F.; Hajdin, Nikola; Stipanic, Bratislav
Identifier: Text-S34027
Title: Contribution to the analysis of diaphragms embedded into an elastic semi-infinite solid
Creator(s): Kollbrunner, Curt F.; Hajdin, Nikola; Sekulovic, Miodrag
Identifier: Text-S34028
Title: Contribution to the numerical analysis of beams, grids and plates on elastic foundation
Creator(s): Kollbrunner, Curt F.; Hajdin, Nikola; Sekulovic, Miodrag
Identifier: Text-S37787
Title: Undamped vibrations of elastic thin-walled beams of open deformable cross sections
Creator(s): Kollbrunner, Curt F.; Hajdin, Nikola; Brcic, Stanko