Identifier: Text-200712201
Title: Investigation of the response of Puddingstone and Cogswell dams in the Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987. Volume 1: Puddingstone Dam
Creator(s): Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Text-200712205
Title: Design of corrugated metal box culverts
Creator(s): Duncan, James M.; Seed, Raymond B.; Drawksy, Ronald H.
Identifier: Text-200801099
Title: Dynamic testing of soils from the Barney Reservoir expansion project
Creator(s): Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-200801105
Title: Soil-structure interaction effects of compaction induced stresses and deflections
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Duncan, James M.
Identifier: Text-200801113
Title: SSCOMP: a finite element analysis program for evaluation of soil-structure interaction and compaction effects
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Duncan, James M.
Identifier: Text-200801141
Title: Investigation of the response of Puddingstone and Cogswell Dams in the Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987; Volume Two - Cogswell Dam
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Seed, Raymond B.; Bray, Jonathan D.
Identifier: Text-200801144
Title: Liquefaction behavior of saturated sands under uni-directional and bi-directional monotonic and cyclic simple shear loading
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Seed, Raymond B.; Chan, Clarence K.; Seed, H. Bolton; Sousa, Jorge
Identifier: Text-200802205
Title: SPT-Based probabilistic evaluation of seismic soil liquefaction potential
Creator(s): Çetin, Kemal Önder; Seed, Raymond B.; Der Kiureghian, Armen
Identifier: Text-200802207
Title: Cyclic simple shear testing of Nevada sand for PEER Center project 2051999
Creator(s): Kammerer, Ann Marie; Wu, Jiaer; Pestana, Juan M.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-200802251
Title: Field case histories for SPT-based in situ liquefaction potential evaluation
Creator(s): Çetin, Kemal Önder; Seed, Raymond B.; Moss, Robb E. S.; Der Kiureghian, Armen; Tokimatsu, Kohji; Harder, Leslie F.; Kayen, Robert E.
Identifier: Text-200802252
Title: Evaluation of seismic slope displacement procedures through back-analysis of physical model tests
Creator(s): Travasarou, Thaleia; Bray, Jonathan D.; Wartman, Joseph; Seed, Raymond B.; Riemer, Michael F.
Identifier: Text-200802253
Title: Geotechnical field measurements after pile installation in soft clay deposit
Creator(s): Hunt, Christopher E.; Pestana, Juan M.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-200805222
Title: Undrained response of Monterey 0/30 sand under multidirectional cyclic simple shear loading conditions
Creator(s): Kammerer, Ann Marie; Pestana, Juan M.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-200901261
Title: Numerical modeling and simulation of coupled seismic soil-pile-structure interaction
Creator(s): Lok, Thomas M.; Pestana, Juan M.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-200912095
Title: Production of regional liquefaction-induced deformation maps
Creator(s): Knudsen, K. L.; Rosinksi, A.; Wu, Jiaer; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-201002222
Title: Pore pressure development in liquefiable soils under bi-directional loading conditions
Creator(s): Kammerer, Ann Marie; Seed, Raymond B.; Wu, Jiaer; Riemer, Michael F.; Pestana, Juan M.
Identifier: Text-2010022610
Title: Probabilistic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction using the CPT
Creator(s): Moss, Robb E. S.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-201108231
Title: Technical review and comments on 2008 EERI Monograph: "soil liquefaction during earthquakes"
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-201303139
Title: Performance of solid-waste landfills during the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Augello, Anthony J.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Matasovic, Neven; Kavazanjian, Edward
Identifier: Text-201309263
Title: Large scale shaking table tests of seismic soil - pile interaction in soft clay
Creator(s): Meymand, Philip J.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-201401135
Title: Modeling of clay-pile interface behavior during multidirectional cyclic loading
Creator(s): Mayoral, Juan Manual; Pestana, Juan M.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-2014021914
Title: Reevaluation of liquefaction - induced ground settlement case histories from the 1906 San Francisco earthquake
Creator(s): Wu, Jiaer; Seed, Raymond B.; Faris, Allison; Knudsen, K. L.
Identifier: Text-2014031712
Title: 1-G small scale shaking table experiments - seismic slope responses and deformations
Creator(s): Chen, Weiyu; Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-2014031714
Title: A Semi-empirical model for the estimation of maximum horizontal displacement due to liquefaction induced lateral spreading
Creator(s): Faris, Allison T.; Seed, Raymond B.; Kayen, Robert E.; Wu, Jiaer
Identifier: Text-2015033010
Title: Shaking table model tests of nonlinear soil-pile-superstructure Iiteraction in Soft Clay
Creator(s): Meymand, Philip J.; Riemer, Michael F.; Lok, Thomas M.; Pestana, Juan M.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-201505145
Title: Solid waste landfill performance during the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Augello, Anthony J.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Matasovic, Neven; Kavazanjian, Edward
Identifier: Text-201505158
Title: Ground motions from the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Chang, Susan W.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-2016032811
Title: Seismic response analysis for soft clay
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Dickenson, Stephen E.; Mok, C. M.
Identifier: Text-238854
Title: Insitu test results from four Loma Prieta earthquake liquefaction sites: SPT, CPT, DMT and shear wave velocity
Creator(s): Mitchell, James Kenneth; Lodge, Angela L.; Coutinho, Roberto Q.; Kayen, Robert E.; Seed, Raymond B.; Nishio, Shinya; Stokoe, Kenneth H.
Identifier: Text-239699
Title: Preliminary report on the principal geotechnical aspects of the January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Stewart, Jonathan P.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Sitar, Nicholas