Identifier: Collection-201309252
Title: Caltrans seismic soil - pile - superstructure interaction research project shaking table test series
Creator(s): Meymand, Philip J.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Data-2013092510
Title: Caltrans seismic soil - pile - superstructure interaction research project shaking table test series - Series 1.3
Creator(s): Meymand, Philip J.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Data-2013092511
Title: Caltrans seismic soil - pile - superstructure interaction research project shaking table test series - Series 1.2
Creator(s): Meymand, Philip J.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Data-201309253
Title: Caltrans seismic soil - pile - superstructure interaction research project shaking table test series - Series 2.5
Creator(s): Meymand, Philip J.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Data-201309254
Title: Caltrans seismic soil - pile - superstructure interaction research project shaking table test series - Series 2.4
Creator(s): Meymand, Philip J.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Data-201309255
Title: Caltrans seismic soil - pile - superstructure interaction research project shaking table test series - Series 2.3
Creator(s): Meymand, Philip J.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Data-201309256
Title: Caltrans seismic soil - pile - superstructure interaction research project shaking table test series - Series 2.2
Creator(s): Meymand, Philip J.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Data-201309257
Title: Caltrans seismic soil - pile - superstructure interaction research project shaking table test series - Series 2.1
Creator(s): Meymand, Philip J.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Data-201309258
Title: Caltrans seismic soil - pile - superstructure interaction research project shaking table test series - Series 1.5
Creator(s): Meymand, Philip J.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Data-201309259
Title: Caltrans seismic soil - pile - superstructure interaction research project shaking table test series - Series 1.4
Creator(s): Meymand, Philip J.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Data-201309261
Title: Caltrans seismic soil - pile - superstructure interaction research project shaking table test series - Series 1.1
Creator(s): Meymand, Philip J.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Data-201309262
Title: Caltrans seismic soil - pile - superstructure interaction research project shaking table test series - Raw Results
Creator(s): Meymand, Philip J.; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-13WC002081
Title: Shear strain development in liquefiable soil under bi-directional loading conditions
Creator(s): Kammerer, Ann Marie; Wu, Jiaer; Riemer, Michael F.; Pestana, Juan M.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-13WC002083
Title: A new multi-directional direct simple shear testing database
Creator(s): Kammerer, Ann Marie; Wu, Jiaer; Riemer, Michael F.; Pestana, Juan M.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-13WC002580
Title: Laboratory study of liquefaction triggering criteria
Creator(s): Wu, Jiaer; Kammerer, Ann Marie; Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.; Pestana, Juan M.
Identifier: Text-200360
Title: The effects of tectonic movements on stresses and deformations in earth embankments
Creator(s): Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-200361
Title: Measurement and elimination of membrane compliance effects in undrained triaxial testing
Creator(s): Nicholson, Peter G.; Seed, Raymond B.; Anwar, Husayn
Identifier: Text-2005121313
Title: Global Shear Wave Velocity Database for Probabilistic Assessment of the Initiation of Seismic-Soil Interaction
Creator(s): Kayen, Robert E.; Seed, Raymond B.; Moss, Robb E. S.; Çetin, Kemal Önder; Tokimatsu, Kohji; Tanaka, Yukiyoshi
Identifier: Text-2005121425
Title: Response of Soft Soils During the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake and Implications for Seismic Design Criteria
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.; Seed, Raymond B.; Lysmer, John; Mok, Chin Man
Identifier: Text-2006030916
Title: Evaluation of SPT-, CPT-, and shear wave-based methods for liquefaction potential assessment using Loma Prieta data
Creator(s): Kayen, Robert E.; Mitchell, James Kenneth; Seed, Raymond B.; Lodge, Angela L.; Nishio, Shinya; Coutinho, Roberto Q.
Identifier: Text-2006030923
Title: Observed effects of testing conditions on the residual strength of loose, saturated sands at large strains
Creator(s): Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-2006030925
Title: Recent lessons regarding seismic response analysis of soft and deep clay sites
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Dickenson, Stephen E.; Mok, Chin Man
Identifier: Text-200607211
Title: CPT-based probabilistic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction initiation
Creator(s): Moss, Robb E. S.; Seed, Raymond B.; Kayen, Robert E.; Stewart, Jonathan P.; Der Kiureghian, Armen
Identifier: Text-200610208
Title: CPT-based liquefaction field case histories from the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu (Kobe) earthquake, Japan
Creator(s): Tokimatsu, Kohji; Moss, Robb E. S.; Seed, Raymond B.; Kayen, Robert E.; Suzuki, Yoshio
Identifier: Text-200707131
Title: Recent lessons regarding seismic response analyses of soft and deep clay sites
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Dickenson, Stephen E.; Mok, Chin Man
Identifier: Text-200707132
Title: SPT-based analysis of cyclic pressure generation and undrained residual strength
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Harder, Leslie F.
Identifier: Text-200711151
Title: Investigation of the response of Cogswell Dam in the Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Seed, Raymond B.; Bray, Jonathan D.
Identifier: Text-200711152
Title: Investigation of the response of Puddingstone Dam in the Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987
Creator(s): Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Text-2007121913
Title: Slope stability failure investigation: landfill unit B-19, phase I-A, Kettleman Hills, California
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Mitchell, James Kenneth; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-200712199
Title: Dynamic testing of soils from SRS/ITP facility
Creator(s): Riemer, Michael F.; Seed, Raymond B.