The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S32198
Title: Estimation of response spectra and peak accelerations from western North American earthquakes : an interim report
Creator(s): Boore, David M.; Joyner, W. B.; Fumal, Thomas E.

Icon Identifier: Text-S39103
Title: Estimation of response spectra and peak accelerations from western North American earthquakes : an interim report, part 2
Creator(s): Boore, David M.; Joyner, W. B.; Fumal, Thomas E.

Icon Identifier: Text-S39122
Title: Ground motion estimates for strike- and reverse-slip faults
Creator(s): Boore, David M.; Joyner, W. B.; Fumal, Thomas E.

Icon Identifier: Text-S40678
Title: Earthquake shaking and damage to buildings
Creator(s): Page, Robert A.; Blume, John A.; Joyner, W. B.