Identifier: Text-S31136
Title: Geologic description of selected strong-motion accelerograph sites : part V
Creator(s): Silverstein, B. L.
Identifier: Text-S31322
Title: Processed strong-motion records recorded on Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea; earthquakes of December 13, 1981 and March 18, 1983
Creator(s): Silverstein, B. L.; Brady, A. G.; Mork, P. N.
Identifier: Text-S31355
Title: Processed strong-motion records from the southern Alaska earthquake of January 1, 1975, 0355 GMT
Creator(s): Silverstein, B. L.; Brady, A. G.; Mork, P. N.
Identifier: Text-S31357
Title: Processed strong-motion records from Monasavu Dam, Fiji : earthquakes of February 13, 14, and 23, 1983
Creator(s): Silverstein, B. L.
Identifier: Text-S31359
Title: Processed strong-motion records from the Coalinga, California, aftershock on July 9, 1983 0740 UTC
Creator(s): Silverstein, B. L.
Identifier: Text-S39239
Title: Processed strong-motion records from the Coalinga, California, aftershock of July 22, 1982 0239 UTC
Creator(s): Silverstein, B. L.; Brady, A. G.