Identifier: Text-S31091
Title: A micromechanical description of granular material behavior
Creator(s): Christoffersen, J.; Mehrabadi, M. M.; Nemat, Nasser S.
Identifier: Text-S32017
Title: On certain macroscopic and microscopic aspects of plastic flow of ductile materials
Creator(s): Nemat, Nasser S.; Mehrabadi, M. M.; Iwakuma, T.
Identifier: Text-S32018
Title: A statistical study of fabric in a random assembly of spherical granules
Creator(s): Oda, M.; Mehrabadi, M. M.; Nemat, Nasser S.
Identifier: Text-S32019
Title: On statistical description of stress and fabric in granular materials
Creator(s): Mehrabadi, M. M.; Nemat, Nasser S.; Oda, M.