Identifier: Text-S30619
Title: Local buckling of I-section beams with longitudinal web stiffeners
Creator(s): Azhari, M.; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S31130
Title: Inelastic local buckling analysis of plates and plate assemblies using bubble functions
Creator(s): Azhari, M.; Bradford, Mark A.
Identifier: Text-S31385
Title: Postbuckled stiffness of composite tee-beams subjected to hogging bending
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.; Azhari, M.
Identifier: Text-S31447
Title: The use of bubble functions for the post-local buckling of plate assemblies by the finite strip method
Creator(s): Azhari, M.; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S32517
Title: Buckling of plates with different end conditions using the finite strip method
Creator(s): Bradford, M. A.; Azhari, M.
Identifier: Text-S32520
Title: The use of bubble functions for the stability of plates with different end conditions
Creator(s): Azhari, M.; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S36692
Title: On the use of bubble functions in the local buckling analysis of plate structures by the spline finite strip method
Creator(s): Azhari, M.; Hoshdar, S.; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S36694
Title: Analysis of general quadrilateral orthotropic thick plates with arbitrary bounday conditions by the Rayleigh-Ritz method
Creator(s): Saadatpour, Mohammad M.; Azhari, M.; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S36700
Title: Vibration analysis of simply supported plates of general shape with internal point and line supports using the Galerkin method
Creator(s): Saadatpour, Mohammad M.; Azhari, M.; Bradford, M. A.
Identifier: Text-S38099
Title: Postbuckling behaviour of triangular plates
Creator(s): Azhari, M.