Identifier: Text-2013032010
Title: Permanent ground deformation associated with the 17 January 1994 Northridge, California earthquake; and geomorphic indicators of potential future zones of deformation
Creator(s): Johnson, Jeffrey A.; Shlemon, Roy J.; Slosson, James E.
Identifier: Text-201510152
Title: The role of engineering geology in urban planning and effects of the February 9, 1971 earthquake on residential areas
Creator(s): Slosson, James E.
Identifier: Text-S29873
Title: The first annual report of the strong-motion instrumentation program, 1972-1973
Creator(s): Slosson, James E.
Identifier: Text-S32337
Title: Fault-rupture hazards, the Alquist-Priolo Fault Hazard Act, and siting decisions in California
Creator(s): Slosson, James E.; Keaton, Jeffrey R.; Johnson, Jeffrey A.