Identifier: Text-S29846
Title: Guidelines and procedures for implementation of the executive order on seismic safety of new building construction
Creator(s): Todd, Diana; Bieniawski, Ann
Identifier: Text-S33324
Title: ICSSC guidance on implementing executive order 12941 on seismic safety of existing federally owned or leased buildings
Creator(s): Todd, Diana; Bieniawski, Ann
Identifier: Text-S33325
Title: How-to suggestions for implementing executive order 12941 on seismic safety of existing federally owned or leased buildings, a handbook
Creator(s): Bieniawski, Ann; Todd, Diana
Identifier: Text-S37309
Title: Performance of federal buildings in the January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Todd, Diana; Bieniawski, Ann