Identifier: Text-2009120310
Title: Data archives of seismic fault-induced damage
Creator(s): Konagai, Kazuo
Identifier: Text-201003041
Title: Fault induced permanent ground deformation-- an experimental comparison of saturated and dry soil
Creator(s): Johansson, J. A. T.; Konagai, Kazuo
Identifier: Text-201204096
Title: LiDAR measurement of the breached earth-fill dam in the March 11th Great East Japan earthquake
Creator(s): Kyokawa, Hiroyuki; Konagai, Kazuo; Kiyota, Takashi; Katagiri, Toshihiko; Abbas, Zaheer
Identifier: Text-201204235
Title: Earthquake behavior of the surface layer at Tokyo Bay area during the 2011 off-the-Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake using the downhole array observation records
Creator(s): Ikeda, Takaaki; Konagai, Kazuo; Katagiri, Toshihiko
Identifier: Text-201204242
Title: Fault rupture and associated geo-hazards of Fukushima Prefecture Hamadoori earthquake
Creator(s): Kazmi, Zaheer Abbas; Konagai, Kazuo; Tetik, Cigdem; Bray, Jonathan D.; Streig, Ashley
Identifier: Text-2012042611
Title: Soil subsidence map of the Tokyo Bay area liquefied in the March 11th Great East Japan earthquake
Creator(s): Konagai, Kazuo
Identifier: Text-2012042710
Title: The Characteristics of geotechnical damage by the 2011 Van-Ercis earthquake
Creator(s): Ulusay, Resat; Kumsar, Halil; Konagai, Kazuo; Aydan, Ömer
Identifier: Text-2012042712
Title: The characteristics of seismic, strong motion and structural damage of the 2011 Van - Ercis earthquake
Creator(s): Konagai, Kazuo; Ulusay, Resat; Kumsar, Halil; Aydan, Ömer; Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-2015060915
Title: Effects of shape on the stiffness of isolation rubber for center columns of tunnels
Creator(s): Mikami, A.; Konagai, Kazuo; Sawada, Tomoyuki
Identifier: Text-S29578
Title: Earthquake response analysis of soft soil deposit on undulating bedrock
Creator(s): Tamura, Choshiro; Konagai, Kazuo; Suzuki, Takeyasu