Identifier: Text-101000366
Title: A selection of important strong motion earthquake records
Creator(s): Lee, David M.; Jennings, Paul C.; Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-101001774
Title: The response of Veterans Hospital Building 41 in the San Fernando earthquake
Creator(s): Rutenberg, Avigdor; Jennings, Paul C.; Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-200510132
Title: An Investigation of the Effects of Earthquakes on Buildings
Creator(s): Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-2005121326
Title: Seismic Design of Liquid Storage Tanks
Creator(s): Haroun, Medhat A.; Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-200605236
Title: Engineering report on the Caracas earthquake of 29 July 1967
Creator(s): Sozen, Mete A.; Jennings, Paul C.; Matthiesen, R. B.; Housner, George W.; Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-200806162
Title: The Behavior of inverted pendulum structures during earthquakes
Creator(s): Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-200905151
Title: Competing against time: report to the Governor George Deukmejian from the Governor's Board of Inquiry on the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Housner, George W.; Thiel, Charles C.
Identifier: Text-2010071511
Title: Limit design of structures to resist earthquakes
Creator(s): Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-201102103
Title: Design of nuclear power reactors against earthquakes
Creator(s): Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-201105194
Title: The plastic failure of frames during earthquakes
Creator(s): Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-201301234
Title: Measures of severity of earthquake ground shaking
Creator(s): Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-201302254
Title: Vibration tests of full-scale liquid storage tanks
Creator(s): Housner, George W.; Haroun, Medhat A.
Identifier: Text-201312181
Title: Chilean Earthquakes of May 1960
Creator(s): Housner, George W.; Saint-Amand, Pierre
Identifier: Text-201603111
Title: Some studies of earthquakes and their effects on structures : a report on research carried out at California Institute of Technology, September, 1940 - June, 1941
Creator(s): Martel, R. R.; Biot, Maurice A.; Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-201711021
Title: Spectrum intensities of strong-motion earthquakes
Creator(s): Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-307610
Title: Earthquake design criteria for structures
Creator(s): Housner, George W.; Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-7001335
Title: Dynamic responses of six multistory buildings during the San Fernando earthquake
Creator(s): Foutch, Douglas A.; Housner, George W.; Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-Lib050001
Title: Intensity of ground motion during strong earthquakes
Creator(s): Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-Lib050002
Title: Response of a structure to an explosive-generated ground shock
Creator(s): Hudson, Donald E.; Alford, Jack L.; Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-Lib050003
Title: A dislocation theory of earthquakes
Creator(s): Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-Lib050004
Title: Analysis of the Taft accelerogram of the earthquake of 21 July 1952
Creator(s): Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-Lib050006
Title: Earthquake pressures on fluid containers
Creator(s): Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-Lib050007
Title: Vibration tests of a steel-frame building
Creator(s): Hudson, Donald E.; Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-Lib050013
Title: Vibration tests of the Encino Dam intake tower
Creator(s): Keightley, Willard Otis; Housner, George W.; Hudson, Donald E.
Identifier: Text-Lib050021
Title: Spectrum analyses of strong-motion earthquakes
Creator(s): Alford, Jack L.; Housner, George W.; Martel, R. R.
Identifier: Text-Lib050047
Title: Simulated earthquake motions
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.; Housner, George W.; Tsai, Nien Chien
Identifier: Text-Lib050069
Title: Earthquake-resistant design of high-rise buildings
Creator(s): Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-Lib050073
Title: An analysis of the dynamic characteristics of a suspension bridge by ambient vibration measurements
Creator(s): Abdel-Ghaffar, Ahmed M.; Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-Lib050101
Title: The great Tangshan earthquake of 1976
Creator(s): Housner, George W.; Xie, Lili; He, Duxin
Identifier: Text-S25470
Title: Natural disasters and engineering
Creator(s): Housner, George W.