Identifier: Text-131000538
Title: Analytical models for the dynamics of buildings
Creator(s): Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-201208226
Title: Evaluation of code-specified strengthening schemes for open first-storey in masonry infilled RC frames
Creator(s): Kaushik, H. B.; Rai, Durgesh C.; Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-2014020510
Title: Implications of the 2004 Great Sumatra earthquake and tsunami for risk reduction in India
Creator(s): Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-201406245
Title: Performance of buildings in Port Blair (India) during the great Sumatra earthquake of 26 December 2004
Creator(s): Kaushik, Hemant B.; Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-201408218
Title: Lateral stiffness of unreinforced brick infilled RC frames with central openings
Creator(s): Mondal, Goutam; Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-201506032
Title: Damage of small to medium size earth dams during Bhuj earthquake of 26 January 2001
Creator(s): Dayal, Umesh; Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-S32307
Title: Earthquake engineering scenario
Creator(s): Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-S33709
Title: Analysis of strong motion data from Uttarkashi earthquake of October 20, 1991 and its implications for Indian seismic code
Creator(s): Jain, Sudhir K.; Das, Satrajit
Identifier: Text-S33710
Title: Assessment of seismic overstrength in reinforced concrete frames
Creator(s): Navin, Rahul; Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-S33711
Title: Dynamics of separable multistorey buildings with flexible floor diaphargms [sic]
Creator(s): Jain, Chandrashekhar K.; Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-S33901
Title: Seismic response of gravity columns in buildings with shear walls
Creator(s): Agarwal, Varsha; Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-S33902
Title: Torsional behaviour of elevated water tanks with reinforced concrete frame-type stagings during earthquakes
Creator(s): Dutta, Sekhar C.; Murty, C. V.; Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-S34156
Title: A ductility and displacement based design procedure for seismic design of reinforced concrete frames
Creator(s): Rashad, Gehad E.; Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-S34822
Title: Seismic drift capacity of gravity columns using nonlinear monotonic analysis
Creator(s): Achary, G. G.; Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-S34861
Title: Curvature ductility of rc sections with and without confinement
Creator(s): Mandal, Parthasarathi; Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-S38706
Title: National Programme on Earthquake Engineering Education : project implementation plan
Creator(s): Vrat, Prem; Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-S38862
Title: Bhuj, India, earthquake of January 26, 2001 : reconnaissance report
Creator(s): Jain, Sudhir K.
Identifier: Text-S39130
Title: Some innovative education and outreach projects in India for earthquake risk reduction
Creator(s): Jain, Sudhir K.; Murty, C. V.
Identifier: Image-B3216
Title: Masonry arch bridges
Creator(s): Jain, Sudhir K.