Identifier: Text-1000525
Title: Forced Vibration of a 22-Story Steel Frame Building
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.; Matthiesen, R. B.; Hoerner, John Brent
Identifier: Text-200605236
Title: Engineering report on the Caracas earthquake of 29 July 1967
Creator(s): Sozen, Mete A.; Jennings, Paul C.; Matthiesen, R. B.; Housner, George W.; Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-200804168
Title: Engineering report on the Managua earthquake of 23 December 1972
Creator(s): Sozen, Mete A.; Matthiesen, R. B.; Hansen, Francisco
Identifier: Text-201104151
Title: Analog simulated earthquake response of the experimental gas-cooled reactor (EGCR)
Creator(s): Ibanez, Paul; Smith, Craig B.; Matthiesen, R. B.
Identifier: Text-201404025
Title: Forced vibration tests and analysis of the CVTR reactor seismic response
Creator(s): Hornbuckle, James D.; Matthiesen, R. B.; Smith, C. B.
Identifier: Text-S20597
Title: Montenegro, Yugoslavia earthquake, April 15, 1979 : reconnaissance report
Creator(s): Leeds, Arline; Matthiesen, R. B.; Anicic, Drazen
Identifier: Text-S24202
Title: Forced vibration of a 22-story steel frame building
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.; Matthiesen, R. B.; Hoerner, John B.
Identifier: Text-S24208
Title: Forced vibration of an eight-story reinforced concrete building
Creator(s): Englekirk, Robert E.; Matthiesen, R. B.
Identifier: Text-S24230
Title: A simulation of earthquake effects on the UCLA reactor using structural vibrators
Creator(s): Matthiesen, R. B.; Smith, C. B.
Identifier: Text-S24231
Title: Forced vibration tests of the Carolinas-Virginia Tube Reactor (CVTR)
Creator(s): Matthiesen, R. B.; Smith, C. B.
Identifier: Text-S24246
Title: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station supplementary vibration tests
Creator(s): Matthiesen, R. B.
Identifier: Text-S24263
Title: Forced vibration tests of the Experimental Gas-Cooled Reactor (EGCR)
Creator(s): Smith, C. B.; Matthiesen, R. B.
Identifier: Text-S26087
Title: Preliminary summary of the U.S. Geological Survey strong-motion records from the October 15, 1979 Imperial Valley earthquake
Creator(s): Porcella, R. L.; Matthiesen, R. B.
Identifier: Text-S26794
Title: Site characteristics of Southern California strong-motion earthquake stations
Creator(s): Matthiesen, R. B.; Duke, Charles M.; Leeds, David J.; Fraser, James C.
Identifier: Text-S27395
Title: On the development of strong-motion instrument networks in the United States
Creator(s): Matthiesen, R. B.
Identifier: Text-S33315
Title: Discontinuity stresses in pressure vessels
Creator(s): Matthiesen, R. B.; Herrmann, Leonard R.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-S37030
Title: Vibration testing and earthquake response of nuclear reactors
Creator(s): Smith, Craig B.; Matthiesen, R. B.