The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-201405144
Title: Elements of earthquake engineering and structural dynamics
Creator(s): Filiatrault, André; Tremblay, Robert; Christopoulos, Constantin; Folz, Bryan R.; Pettinga, J. Didier

Icon Identifier: Text-201506055
Title: Direct displacement based seismic design of wood framed buildings
Creator(s): Filiatrault, André; Folz, Bryan R.

Icon Identifier: Text-201609121
Title: A computer program for the cyclic analysis of shearwalls in woodframe structures
Creator(s): Folz, Bryan R.; Filiatrault, André

Icon Identifier: Text-201609122
Title: Seismic modeling of index woodframe buildings
Creator(s): Isoda, Hiroshi; Folz, Bryan R.; Filiatrault, André

Icon Identifier: Text-S28848
Title: Reliability-based design of wood structures
Creator(s): Foschi, Ricardo O.; Folz, Bryan R.; Yao, F. Z.

Icon Identifier: Text-S37663
Title: CASHEW a computer program for the cyclic analysis of wood shear walls
Creator(s): Folz, Bryan R.; Filiatrault, André

Icon Identifier: Text-S38586
Title: A computer program for seismic analysis of woodframe structures
Creator(s): Folz, Bryan R.; Filiatrault, André