Identifier: Text-S28818
Title: A probabilistic seismic analysis of containment liner integrity
Creator(s): Fardis, M. N.
Identifier: Text-S35097
Title: Experimental and numerical investigations on the seismic response of R.C. infilled frames and recommendations for code provisions
Creator(s): Fardis, M. N.
Identifier: Text-S38191
Title: Innovative design concepts
Creator(s): Fardis, M. N.; Calvi, G. M.; Severn, R. T.
Identifier: Text-S38280
Title: Shear walls structures
Creator(s): Reynouard, Jean M.; Fardis, M. N.
Identifier: Text-S39777
Title: SPEAR (Seismic Performance Assessment and Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings) International Workshop : an event to honour the memory of Prof. Jean Donea, Ispra, 4-5 April 2005, Poceedings
Creator(s): Donea, J.; Fardis, M. N.; Negro, P.