Identifier: Text-150084
Title: A model for the rigid body motions of skew bridges
Creator(s): Maragakis, Emmanuel M.
Identifier: Text-201404167
Title: Bridge research at the University of Nevada
Creator(s): Douglas, Bruce M.; Saiidi, Mehdi; Norris, Gary; Maragakis, Emmanuel M.
Identifier: Text-201502105
Title: Influence of free-field strains on nonlinear lateral abutment stiffnesses
Creator(s): Siddharthan, Rajaratnam; El-Gamal, Mahamoud; Maragakis, Emmanuel M.
Identifier: Text-LIB050233
Title: Static axial behavior of some typical restrained and unrestrained pipe joints
Creator(s): Maragakis, Emmanuel M.; Siddharthan, Rajaratnam; Meis, Ronald D.
Identifier: Text-S21993
Title: A model for the rigid body motions of skew bridges
Creator(s): Maragakis, Emmanuel M.
Identifier: Text-S29742
Title: Analysis of the response of reinforced concrete structures during the 1987 Whittier earthquake
Creator(s): Abdel, Ghaffar S.; Maragakis, Emmanuel M.; Saiidi, M.
Identifier: Text-S31422
Title: Effect of hinge restrainers on the response of the Madrone Drive Undercrossing during the Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): O, Connor D.; Saiidi, M.; Maragakis, Emmanuel M.
Identifier: Text-S32935
Title: National Science Foundation Natural Hazard Mitigation Grantees Workshop, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, April 27-28, 1995
Creator(s): Saiidi, Mehdi; Maragakis, Emmanuel M.
Identifier: Text-S33769
Title: Nonlinear seismic response analysis of isolated bridges with multiple columns
Creator(s): Griffin, G.; Saiidi, M.; Maragakis, Emmanuel M.
Identifier: Text-S36487
Title: Fatigue behavior of riveted open deck railroad bridge girders
Creator(s): He, Philip C.; Itani, Ahmad M.; Maragakis, Emmanuel M.
Identifier: Text-S37674
Title: Experimental evaluation of seismic performance of bridge restrainers
Creator(s): Vlassis, Anastasios G.; Maragakis, Emmanuel M.; Saiidi, M.
Identifier: Text-S39196
Title: Behavior of underground piping joints due to static and dynamic loading
Creator(s): Meis, Ronald D.; Maragakis, Emmanuel M.; Siddharthan, Rajaratnam
Identifier: Text-S40296
Title: Experimental evaluation of the seismic performance of hospital piping subassemblies
Creator(s): Goodwin, Elliott R.; Maragakis, Emmanuel M.; Itani, Ahmad M.