Identifier: Software-SPECEQUQZIP
Title: SPECEQ/UQ: Generation of Response Spectra Digitized at Equal/Unequal Time Intervals
Creator(s): Nigam, Navin Chandra; Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-1000525
Title: Forced Vibration of a 22-Story Steel Frame Building
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.; Matthiesen, R. B.; Hoerner, John Brent
Identifier: Text-1000710
Title: Engineering Features of the San Fernando Earthquake of February 9, 1971
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-101000366
Title: A selection of important strong motion earthquake records
Creator(s): Lee, David M.; Jennings, Paul C.; Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-101001774
Title: The response of Veterans Hospital Building 41 in the San Fernando earthquake
Creator(s): Rutenberg, Avigdor; Jennings, Paul C.; Housner, George W.
Identifier: Text-200605236
Title: Engineering report on the Caracas earthquake of 29 July 1967
Creator(s): Sozen, Mete A.; Jennings, Paul C.; Matthiesen, R. B.; Housner, George W.; Newmark, Nathan M.
Identifier: Text-201302141
Title: Seismic design criteria for nuclear powerplants
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.; Guzmán, Ricardo
Identifier: Text-201303018
Title: Analysis of multiple degree of freedom systems with correlated and uncertain response spectra parameters
Creator(s): McVerry, Graeme H.; Beck, James L.; Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-201410206
Title: The Effect of local site conditions on recorded strong earthquake motions
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-21000205
Title: Rapid Calculation of Selected Fourier Spectrum Ordinates
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-21000650
Title: Dynamics of Building-Soil Interaction
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.; Bielak, Jacobo
Identifier: Text-307610
Title: Earthquake design criteria for structures
Creator(s): Housner, George W.; Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-31000880
Title: Hysteretic response of a nine-story reinforced concrete building during the San Fernando earthquake
Creator(s): Iemura, Hirokazu; Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-311057
Title: Digital calculation of response spectra from strong-motion earthquake records
Creator(s): Nigam, Navin Chandra; Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-322954
Title: Earthquake response of tall regular buildings
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-7001335
Title: Dynamic responses of six multistory buildings during the San Fernando earthquake
Creator(s): Foutch, Douglas A.; Housner, George W.; Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-7501
Title: Accelerograms recorded at Caltech during the Whittier Narrows earthquakes of October 1 and 4, 1987: a preliminary report
Creator(s): Levine, Marie-Bernard P.; Beck, James L.; Iwan, Wilfred D.; Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-Lib050017
Title: Velocity spectra of the Mexican earthquakes of 11 May and 19 May 1962
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-Lib050019
Title: Response of simple yielding structures to earthquake excitation
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-Lib050047
Title: Simulated earthquake motions
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.; Housner, George W.; Tsai, Nien Chien
Identifier: Text-S20166
Title: Aseismic design criteria for electrical facilities
Creator(s): Fallgren, R. B.; Jennings, Paul C.; Smith, J. L.
Identifier: Text-S21845
Title: Earthquake design criteria
Creator(s): Housner, G. W.; Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-S22317
Title: El-Asnam, Algeria earthquake October 10, 1980 : a reconnaissance and engineering report
Creator(s): Leeds, Arline; Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-S23255
Title: Collapse of a model for ductile reinforced concrete frames under extreme earthquake motions
Creator(s): Takizawa, Haruo; Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-S23379
Title: Soil and structure response to earthquakes
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-S23894
Title: Dynamics of building : soil interaction
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-S24001
Title: Forces and displacements in soil
Creator(s): Scott, Ronald F.; Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-S24202
Title: Forced vibration of a 22-story steel frame building
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.; Matthiesen, R. B.; Hoerner, John B.
Identifier: Text-S26035
Title: Rapid calculation of selected Fourier spectrum ordinates
Creator(s): Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-S26045
Title: Digital calculation of response spectra from strong-motion earthquake records
Creator(s): Nigam, Navin C.; Jennings, Paul C.