Identifier: Software-FLUSHZIP
Title: FLUSH: Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis
Creator(s): Lysmer, John
Identifier: Software-LUSH2ZIP
Title: LUSH2: Complex Response Analysis of Soil-Structures Systems by the Finite Element Method
Creator(s): Lysmer, John; Udaka, Takekazu; Seed, H. Bolton; Hwang, Richard N.
Identifier: Software-QUAD4ZIP
Title: QUAD-4: Seismic Response of Soil Structures
Creator(s): Idriss, I. M.; Lysmer, John; Hwang, Richard N.; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Software-SHAKE91ZIP
Title: SHAKE-91: Equivalent Linear Seismic Response Analysis of Horizontally Layered Soil Deposits
Creator(s): Schnabel, Per B.; Lysmer, John; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-111000630
Title: Analysis of local variations in free field seismic ground motion
Creator(s): Chen, Jian-Chu; Lysmer, John; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-111000843
Title: TLUSH: a computer program for the three-dimensional dynamic analysis of earth dams
Creator(s): Kagawa, Takaaki; Mejia, Lelio H.; Seed, H. Bolton; Lysmer, John
Identifier: Text-2005121425
Title: Response of Soft Soils During the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake and Implications for Seismic Design Criteria
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.; Seed, Raymond B.; Lysmer, John; Mok, Chin Man
Identifier: Text-200701181
Title: SASSI: A System for Analysis of Soil Structure Interaction
Creator(s): Lysmer, John; Tabatabaie, Mansour; Tajirian, Frederick F.; Vahdani, Shahriar; Ostadan, Farhang
Identifier: Text-200703021
Title: SASSI 2000: A system for analysis of soil-structure interaction
Creator(s): Lysmer, John; Ostadan, Farhang; Chin, Chih-Cheng
Identifier: Text-200705162
Title: Finite dynamic model for infinite media
Creator(s): Lysmer, John
Identifier: Text-2013030613
Title: Dynamic response of horizontally layered systems subjected to traveling seismic waves
Creator(s): Udaka, Takekazu; Lysmer, John; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-2016032812
Title: Seismic response of piled bridge piers
Creator(s): Lysmer, John; Chin, Chih-Cheng
Identifier: Text-201603297
Title: Two dimensional site response analysis
Creator(s): Lysmer, John; Deng, Nan
Identifier: Text-21000829
Title: SHAKE: a computer program for earthquake response analysis of horizontally layered sites
Creator(s): Schnabel, Per B.; Lysmer, John; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-31000383
Title: QUAD-4: a computer program for evaluating the seismic response of soil structures by variable damping finite element procedures
Creator(s): Idriss, I. M.; Lysmer, John; Hwang, Richard N.; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-3131
Title: The propagation of Love waves across non-horizontally layered structures
Creator(s): Lysmer, John; Drake, Lawrence A.
Identifier: Text-3132
Title: Influence of base rock characteristics on ground response
Creator(s): Lysmer, John; Seed, H. Bolton; Schnabel, Per B.
Identifier: Text-3143
Title: Modification of seismograph records for effects of local soil conditions
Creator(s): Schnabel, Per B.; Seed, H. Bolton; Lysmer, John
Identifier: Text-3271
Title: PLUSH: a computer program for probabilistic finite element analysis of seismic soil-structure interaction
Creator(s): Romo, Miguel P.; Chen, Jen-Hwa; Lysmer, John; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-41000260
Title: Site-dependent spectra for earthquake-resistant design
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Ugas, Celso; Lysmer, John
Identifier: Text-41000670
Title: LUSH: a computer program for complex response analysis of soil-structure systems
Creator(s): Lysmer, John; Udaka, Takekazu; Seed, H. Bolton; Hwang, Richard N.
Identifier: Text-41000671
Title: Soil structure interaction analyses for evaluating seismic response
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Lysmer, John; Hwang, Richard N.
Identifier: Text-51000247
Title: Relationships between maximum acceleration, maximum velocity, distance from source and local site conditions for moderately strong earthquakes
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Murarka, Ramesh P.; Lysmer, John; Idriss, I. M.
Identifier: Text-51000297
Title: The generation and dissipation of pore water pressures during soil liquefaction
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Martin, Philippe P.; Lysmer, John
Identifier: Text-51000627
Title: Efficient finite element analysis of seismic structure-soil-structure interaction
Creator(s): Lysmer, John; Seed, H. Bolton; Udaka, Takekazu; Hwang, Richard N.; Tsai, Chan-Feng
Identifier: Text-5384
Title: Relationships between soil conditions and earthquake ground motions in Mexico City in the earthquake of Sept. 19, 1985
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Romo, Miguel P.; Sun, Joseph I.; Jaime, Alberto; Lysmer, John
Identifier: Text-61000590
Title: FLUSH: a computer program for approximate 3-D analysis of soil-structure interaction problems
Creator(s): Lysmer, John; Udaka, Takekazu; Tsai, Chan-Feng; Seed, H. Bolton
Identifier: Text-7000823
Title: Soil-structure interaction effects at the Humboldt Bay power plant in the Ferndale earthquake of June 7, 1975
Creator(s): Valera, Julio E.; Seed, H. Bolton; Tsai, Chan-Feng; Lysmer, John
Identifier: Text-81000554
Title: Analytical procedures in soil dynamics
Creator(s): Lysmer, John
Identifier: Text-91000975
Title: Soil structure interaction in different seismic environments
Creator(s): Gomez-Masso, Alberto; Lysmer, John; Chen, Jian-Chu; Seed, H. Bolton