The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S27938
Title: Earthquake hazards associated with the Verdugo-Eagle Rock and Benedict Canyon fault zones, Los Angeles County, California
Creator(s): Weber, F. H.

Icon Identifier: Text-S27939
Title: Geology and geomorphology along the San Gabriel fault zone, Los Angeles and Ventura counties, California : (including reinterpretation of slip history and reevaluation of activity
Creator(s): Weber, F. H.

Icon Identifier: Text-S29328
Title: Geologic relationships between the San Gabriel and San Andreas faults : Kern, Los Angeles and Ventura counties
Creator(s): Weber, F. H.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31963
Title: Seismic hazards related to geologic factors, Elsinore and Chino fault zones, northwestern Riverside County, California
Creator(s): Weber, F. H.