Identifier: Software-ASHSD2ZIP
Title: ASHSD2: Dynamic Stress Analysis of Axisymmetric Structures Under Arbitrary Loading
Creator(s): Ghosh, Sukumar; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Software-CAL80SDZIP
Title: CAL-80 (SD): Computer Analysis Language for the Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structural Systems
Creator(s): Wilson, Edward L.; Hoit, Marc Ira
Identifier: Software-CAL91ZIP
Title: CAL-91: Computer Assisted Learning of Structural Analysis
Creator(s): Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Software-DOTDETZIP
Title: DOT/DETECT: Determination of Temperatures/Determination of Temperatures In Construction
Creator(s): Polivka, Ronald M.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Software-NONSAPZIP
Title: NONSAP: Static and Dynamic Response of Nonlinear Systems
Creator(s): Bathe, Klaus-Jürgen; Wilson, Edward L.; Iding, Robert H.
Identifier: Software-SAP4ZIP
Title: SAP-IV: Static and Dynamic Response of Linear System
Creator(s): Bathe, Klaus-Jürgen; Wilson, Edward L.; Peterson, Fred E.
Identifier: Software-SOLIDSAPZIP
Title: SOLIDSAP: Static Analysis Program for Three-Dimensional Solid Structures
Creator(s): Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Software-STOCAL1ZIP
Title: STOCAL-1: Stochastic Computer Analysis Language for the Static and Dynamic Analysis of Structural Systems
Creator(s): Button, Martin R.; Der Kiureghian, Armen; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Software-SUPERETABSZIP
Title: SUPER-ETABS/SLAM2: Extended Three-Dimensional Analysis of Building Systems with Analysis of Structural Pounding
Creator(s): Wilson, Edward L.; Hollings, Jeffrey P.; Dovey, Henry H.
Identifier: Software-WAVESZIP
Title: WAVES: Seismic Response of Horizontally Layered Soil Deposits
Creator(s): Hart, James D.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Software-WEBTAPZIP
Title: WEBTAP: Analysis of Web-Tapered Steel Member Systems
Creator(s): Mawdsley, Alan D.; Jiménez, José Francisco; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-1000489
Title: Earthquake Analysis of Interacting Ground-Structure Systems
Creator(s): Rukos, Eduardo A.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-101001333
Title: Three dimensional analysis of building systems : TABS 80
Creator(s): Wilson, Edward L.; Dovey, Henry H.; Habibullah, Ashraf
Identifier: Text-111001218
Title: The design of steel energy-absorbing restrainers and their incorporation into nuclear power plants for enhanced safety (final technical report, vol 1C): Numerical method for dynamic substructure analysis
Creator(s): Dickens, John Martin; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-121000675
Title: Numerical techniques for the evaluation of soil-structure interaction effects in the time domain
Creator(s): Bayo, Eduardo; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-121001060
Title: New approaches for the dynamic analysis of large structural systems
Creator(s): Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-12686
Title: The use of load dependent vectors for dynamic and earthquake analyses
Creator(s): Leger, Pierre; Wilson, Edward L.; Clough, Ray W.
Identifier: Text-131001024
Title: WEBTAP: microcomputer program for the analysis of web-tapered steel member systems
Creator(s): Wilson, Edward L.; Mawdsley, Alan D.; Jiménez, José Francisco
Identifier: Text-150136
Title: TABS 77: three dimensional analysis of building systems (February 1977 release) rev. ed.
Creator(s): Wilson, Edward L.; Dovey, Henry H.; Habibullah, Ashraf
Identifier: Text-150222
Title: Dynamic properties of a thirty-story condominium tower building
Creator(s): Stephen, Roy M.; Wilson, Edward L.; Stander, Nielen
Identifier: Text-150258
Title: 3-9 node isoparametric planar or axisymmetric finite element
Creator(s): Hollings, Jeffrey P.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-191110
Title: Simplified earthquake analysis of buildings including site effects
Creator(s): Hart, James D.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-200705172
Title: Dynamic stress analysis of axisymmetric structures under arbitrary loading
Creator(s): Ghosh, Sukumar; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-200803122
Title: Finite element formulations for large deformation dynamic analysis
Creator(s): Bathe, Klaus-Jürgen; Ramm, Ekkehard; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-201004141
Title: Early finite element research at Berkeley
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-201206054
Title: Three dimensional static and dynamic analysis of structures : a physical approach on earthquake engineering
Creator(s): Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-2013040316
Title: Dynamic behavior of a pedestal base multistory building
Creator(s): Stephen, Roy M.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-2014013110
Title: Inelastic earthquake response of tall buildings
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Benuska, K. L.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-2014013111
Title: Stress analysis of a gravity dam by the finite element method
Creator(s): Clough, Ray W.; Wilson, Edward L.
Identifier: Text-201703162
Title: Static & dynamic analysis of structures : a physical approach with emphasis on earthquake engineering
Creator(s): Wilson, Edward L.