Identifier: Text-201001286
Title: Long-period ground motion simulation
Creator(s): Olsen, Kim B.; Archuleta, Ralph J.
Identifier: Text-201303202
Title: Comparison of S-wave, coda, and H/V site response methods using Northridge aftershock data
Creator(s): Bonilla, Luis F.; Steidl, Jamison H.; Lindey, G. T.; Tumarkin, R. J.; Archuleta, Ralph J.
Identifier: Text-2013032820
Title: Source inversion and ground motion prediction with empirical Green's functions
Creator(s): Archuleta, Ralph J.; Liu, Peng-Cheng; Tumarkin, Alexei G.
Identifier: Text-S27043
Title: Surface strong motion associated with stick-slip event in a foam rubber model of earthquakes
Creator(s): Archuleta, Ralph J.; Brune, James N.
Identifier: Text-S29532
Title: Rupture history of the 1989 Loma Prieta, California, earthquake
Creator(s): Steidl, Jamison H.; Archuleta, Ralph J.; Hartzell, Stephen H.
Identifier: Text-S29733
Title: Final report : topographic effects on ground motion by analysis of digital seismograms of Loma Prieta aftershocks
Creator(s): Archuleta, Ralph J.; Lindley, Grant T.