Identifier: Text-201407212
Title: Seismic response of base-isolated buildings under horizontal and vertical near-fault ground motions
Creator(s): Mazza, F.; Vulcano, Alfonso
Identifier: Text-2015110516
Title: Earthquake damage mitigation of R. C. frames by using damped steel braces
Creator(s): Vulcano, Alfonso; Mazza, Fabio
Identifier: Text-201511053
Title: Influence of the supplemental viscous damping on the near-fault seismic response of base-isolated buildings
Creator(s): Mazza, F.; Vulcano, Alfonso
Identifier: Text-5387
Title: Analytical models for predicting the lateral response of R C shear walls: evaluation of their reliability
Creator(s): Vulcano, Alfonso; Bertero, Vitelmo V.