UCB/GT-83-01 A stress-strain relationship for dilative and non-dilative soils, Yin, Zongze; Duncan, James M.
UCB/GT-83-02 Design procedures for flexible metal culvert structures, Duncan, James M.; Drawksy, Ronald H.
UCB/GT-83-03 Application of tailings flow analyses to field conditions, Bryant, Samuel M.; Duncan, James M.; Seed, H. Bolton
UCB/GT-83-04 Design and performance of aluminum box culverts, Duncan, James M.; Drawksy, Ronald H.
UCB/GT-83-05 Scale and time effects in hydraulic fracturing, Widjaja, Hadi; Duncan, James M.; Seed, H. Bolton
UCB/GT-83-06 Soil-structure interaction effects of compaction induced stresses and deflections, Seed, Raymond B.; Duncan, James M.
UCB/GT-83-07 A Simple statistical approach to differential settlements on clay, Javete, Donald F.; Duncan, James M.