The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Los terremotos de Mayo - Chile 1960

Saint-Amand, Pierre

14, China Lake, Calif., U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Station. Michelson Laboratories. Tech. article,, 1961, 39p - PDF (705.458 1960 S24)

A personal account written during the period of May through June 1960 when there occurred a series of earthquakes and seismic sea waves of catastrophic proportions that devastated large areas of Chile. A major eruption of Volcan Puyehue also occurred. The uplift and subsidence along the coastline caused by the earthquake and the subsequent tsunami rendered all marine navigational charts of the affected areas obsolete. Apart from the physical changes of the terrain, loss of life, injury and the damage to industry, private property, utilities, and communications was both widespread and catastrophic in its effect. Recovery will take many years and vast sums of money.

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