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William G. Godden Collection: GoddenE7

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  • Title: Hagia Sophia, Istanbul
  • Creator(s): Godden, William G.
  • Date:
  • Location: Turkey/ASIA/Istanbul/Western Asia
  • Structure: Hagia Sophia (Aya Sofya)

Description: Inside the Hagia Sophia looking upward into the dome. One of the world's great domes, built in 563, it has a diameter of 107 ft., a rise of 50 ft. at the crown, and covers a 107-ft. square crossing. It is constructed of bricks 27 in. square at the base and 24 in. square at the apex, all 2 in. thick, with approximately 2 in. thick mortar joints. and the apex is 180 ft. above the floor. The 40 radial curved ribs terminate through the 40 windows at the base of the dome. This dome replaced the original and flatter dome, with a rise of approximately 41 ft., which collapsed in an earthquake in 558. (Istanbul, Turkey)

See also:
Historic domes

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